Minor Annoyances
(Okay, some are Major!)
This is really random and I took a minute (read: week or so) to complete this list...I never intended to write a Blog but it turned out that way...go figure...LOL!
1.The all-inclusive generalization...the blanket statement. These types of statements are usually followed by an opinion that doesn't much fact-based information...and begins with “They...”.
2.Woman or Men who give the “evil-eye” to bi-racial couples. Why? It has always confused me because I have to wonder where the anger fits in...if these folks weren't dating who they were dating...whose to say they would be dating you...or me for that matter...doesn't make much sense to me.
3.Woman or Men who wish ill-will to those in relationships. I don't understand why a good relationship could be looked at with jealousy or envy...this relationship (and any other stable and happy) is proof that positive relationships can actually exist. “If they can...I can...” that's how I feel about...more power to them...and me when it is my time.
4.Statistics being used to pre-judge individuals...I am all for introducing facts into a statement to support an opinion but I have watched folks snatch a statistic out of air and slather it across an opinion like butter just to make the opinion sound factual. (That's about 45% of the comments I've read on Blogs about race-relations...LMAO!!!)
5.Lengthy Designations, Pigeon-holes, Labels and Titles. I understand that things must be or have a name but when the name begins to define who I am that is when I need to remember my name is: Edith...everything else is just facet of me and NOT me. I see WAY too much of this type of identification going on and it leads to unnecessary assumptions and prejudices.
6.The men in my life that have TOTALLY under-estimated my intelligence...no, I mean really...God Bless them when the Bear-Trap of my mind snapped shut on their ability to under-estimate me...LOL...LOL...LOL..LMAO!!!
7.The SIX people that thought I was “too blunt and encouraging sexual behaviors ” because I told my fourteen year old son that everyone was having sex and I don't understand why it should be such a big deal to talk about it...I mean these babies aren't magically appearing, same goes for the diseases. Sex is a part of life like death...it needs to be addressed without the hang-ups we, as individuals, have about it...THAT”S WHY OUR WILL CHILDREN HAVE HANG UPS ABOUT IT...sorry for yelling...I was having a moment.
8.The sudden realization that racism really is still alive and kicking in the hearts of the close-minded. (Damn, Militant-Republicans and Zealot-Democrats) Plain and simple...luckily...someone else's perception of me, is not the perception I have of myself...whew!
9.The cousin who told me I didn't respect her...when all I had was love.
10. Having to learn “on the fly” that NO MATTER how much I put into a relationship: Sometimes it is just NOT meant to be...and, honestly, it takes more than love to make a thing survive.
11.Self-doubt...constantly wondering if my decisions are REALLY what is best my small family...because I have made some questionable decisions in the past (for the sake of “all concerned” and not really those that matter...us...see number ten).
12.Complicated sex and all that this implies....yeah, I said SEX and its complications...LOL! I have not officially declared celibacy but I have to admit I'm not having it right because...its just too complicated to bother...**shrugging shoulders**...
13.The individuals who kill abortion Doctors and bomb abortion clinics. These folks are actually PRO-CHOICE because they CHOSE to kill and bomb...weird, right? What's wrong with a woman having that same right...Hmmm...
14.The hungry, poor and unfortunate people living in situations that they cannot control. I pray for them and realize daily that if I complain about MY sitch...I am an ungrateful wretch.
15.Desmond Robert and all that this implies. (To: Johanna and Robert...I have given you have a piece of me...be blessed in all you do.)
16.Having the ability to cook but not finding any real love in the act of cooking...three square plus snacks...you'll get them but dammit...I don't have to be Betty Crocker dancing around the kitchen and singing Mary Poppins songs when I provide the meals...Geesh! Having to cook: 3 square plus snacks...365...Argh! (Kids need nutrition but DAMN!!!)
17.Siblings I have never understood...even when I tried...age gaps and other circumstances notwithstanding...I just don't get them, sorry.
18.I see everything through my “Edith Goggles”...this is my polite terminology for my innate selfishness. I think those who don't admit that they do the same...are on this list! We are all selfish to some degree or another. It is human nature.
19. Budgets! I hate NOT being able to purchase the XPS...argh...with all of the accoutrements! (To hell with Budgets....GGggrr...**smch**)
20. Salivating over the Dell Inspiron, with the wireless card, 17” monitor, 2G RAM, 250 HDD, CD/DVD burner and Quad-Core Processor ...ahhhh...I think I just had an orgasm but I HATE not having it...see number nineteen.
21.Obsessing over a clean house and then having to follow through with the obsession...yeah that's right, I love to have a clean house but I don't care what anybody says: It is a job and my payment is the clean house...at work, I get a check, is all I'm saying...
22.Fighting the urge to run downstairs and stab the sh*t out of the dude who lives down there, in the apartment below me...yeah YOU! Quit telling folks I'm loud: YOU...HAVE...NOT...HEARD...LOUD!!! LOL!
23.Fighting the urge to run upstairs to the apartment above and stab the sh*t out the chick who lives up there...yeah YOU! Quit making all that noise...people think its ME!!!
24.Religion...NOT the belief in a higher power or intelligent designer but the humans (who are flawed) that gather into groups and use the strength of their numbers to force their belief onto other people. (If you believe I am referring to Christianity...you must be one of those people, I have described.) I am referring organized religion as a whole...any denomination. I don't wanna be a bully...I just want to hang out with folks that share some of my beliefs...I used to think that was what Church was about...guess not, anymore...
25.Having complete strangers BELIEVE that their opinions of me or my decisions actually have some sort of clout in my life. Honestly...come on...it's not what I am called but what I answer to too...seriously...LMAO! Do you...I'll do me...okay?
This was LONG as hell...but hey...whaddya gonna do? It's therapeutic for me and makes me fell better. LOL!
**If any of this has offended any sensibilities or got'cha all riled up: Please understand, it was not my intention so...I don't care...because honestly...my opinion of you, holds as much weight as your opinion of me...absolutely none.
Have a WONDERFUL day!!!
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