Saturday, April 5, 2014

What does love look like? To me?

What does love look like?

Hell, I don't even know if there is a simple description for this - it will "look" different for each of us - not wrong just different.

I guess a better, more specific question would be, "What does love look like to me?"

I know exactly what love looks me and for me. It doesn't have to be a diamond as big as my head, a sexy car or even an object at all, although "things" are nice and can convey a warm intention in the form of gifts.

To me, love "looks" like action - love is doing. It's a verb. Love is a feeling that is best expressed as action. I can't describe what it "looks" like, per se...but I can show you through my actions.

It can be uploading the newest episode of someones' favorite show. It can be rubbing their tummy when it's sore. It can be listening with a compassionate ear when someone is venting about life, work or whatever. It can be offering a back rub when someone needs it. It can be buying a box of someones' favorite cereal. It can be a warm hug when someone is tired or stressed.

This is what love looks like to me and much like rare, fine art - I want collect it, keep it near to admire it regularly and share it's beauty with others. It really is the little things that matter most, ya'll - small gestures that acknowledge and affirm.

In the grand scheme of things, these little things get frequently over-shadowed by life's "bigger issues"- but to me - those small, gentle reminders of being loved are what fuels my tank. It's why I continue to get out of bed to "fight the good fight" in this world. It's why I try. It's all pretty f'awesome, actually.

